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Yoga classes are designed to help you connect with your body, mind, and soul in a nurturing and supportive environment. Whether you are just starting your yoga journey or are looking to deepen your practice, our diverse range of classes caters to all levels and goals.

  1. Yama (Abstinence)These moral imperatives outline what not to do, guiding us toward ethical living. They include principles such as non-violence (ahimsa), truthfulness (satya), and non-possessiveness (aparigraha), encouraging individuals to cultivate a harmonious relationship with themselves and others.

  2. Niyama (Observances)In contrast to Yama, Niyama encompasses virtuous habits and practices—the "dos." This includes self-discipline (tapas), contentment (santosha), and devotion (ishvara pranidhana), promoting personal growth and inner peace through positive actions and attitudes.

  3. Asana (Postures)This limb focuses on the physical postures practiced in yoga. Asanas promote physical stability, flexibility, and strength, allowing the practitioner to maintain a healthy body and prepare for meditation. They encourage the practitioner to connect deeply with their body and cultivate awareness.

  4. Pranayama (Breathing)Pranayama involves yogic breathwork that regulates the breath and vital life force (prana). Techniques like deep breathing and breath retention enhance respiratory function, calm the mind, and increase energy levels, facilitating a deeper connection between body and mind.

  5. Pratyahara (Withdrawal)This limb represents the withdrawal of the senses from external distractions, turning the focus inward. By practicing pratyahara, individuals learn to detach from sensory stimuli, fostering a deeper awareness of their thoughts and emotions and paving the way for concentration.

  6. Dharana (Concentration)Dharana is the practice of one-pointed concentration, focusing the mind on a single object or thought. This discipline helps sharpen mental focus and develop a deeper understanding of oneself, setting the stage for meditation.

  7. Dhyana (Meditation)This limb represents contemplation and reflection. Dhyana involves sustained focus and meditation on a chosen object, leading to greater clarity, tranquility, and insight. It nurtures a deeper connection with oneself and the universe.

  8. Samadhi (Absorption)The final limb signifies a state of absorption or union with the object of meditation. In this profound state, the individual experiences a sense of oneness with all that is, transcending the self and connecting with the divine.

Why Choose:

  • Experienced Instructors: Our certified instructors bring years of experience and are dedicated to guiding you through a transformative journey.

  • Personalized Attention: We keep our classes small to ensure personalized guidance and adjustments tailored to your needs.

  • Inclusive Environment: No matter your level of experience, age, or fitness, we create a welcoming atmosphere where everyone can grow and thrive.

  • Online Personal Yoga Classes or One to One Classes: An Online Personal Yoga Class or One-to-One Class constitutes undergoing training under the guidance of a certified personal instructor over a video call. The instructor will be able to guide you through the different workouts and keep an eye on whether or not you are following perfect form while doing yoga. More and more people have started switching to this type of training because of the many benefits.

  • Online Group Yoga Classes: As we know, a group yoga class can help us learn and grow while enjoying and building on the group’s energy, our group live stream yoga classes are perfect for you if you enjoy practicing with fellow yogis and delving deep into yoga with a beautiful yoga community. As the beautiful Buddhist chant goes:
    This means I take refuge in the Buddha, I take refuge in the Dharma, and I take refuge in the Community (Sangham).

Join our community and take the first step toward a healthier, more balanced life. Explore our classes, deepen your practice, and experience the transformative benefits of yoga at Shuddhiyogshala.

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